
Welcome to the BIMTech Tools support page. We are here to help you with questions and issues related to using our add-ons. If you have any inquiries or have encountered non-functional features, let us know. You can also check to the right, where you will find answers to previously solved problems. Thank you for your trust in our products.

  • Installation requires administrative privileges due to installation into Program Files.
  • Download the installer from our official website:
During installation, select the installation location (if Archicad was installed by another user, it is necessary to specify):
  • For the English version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Add-Ons
  • For the Czech version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Doplnky Archicadu
Verify installation:
  • The add-on will appear in the folder:
  • For the English version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Add-Ons\BIMTech Tools
  • For the Czech version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Doplnky Archicadu\BIMTech\Tools

  • Installation requires administrative privileges due to installation into Program Files.
  • Download the installer from our official website:
During installation, select the installation location (if Archicad was installed by another user, it is necessary to specify):
  • For the English version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Add-Ons
  • For the Czech version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Doplnky Archicadu
Verify installation:
  • The add-on will appear in the folder:
  • For the English version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Add-Ons\BIMTech Tools
  • For the Czech version: c:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 26\Doplnky Archicadu\BIMTech\Tools

If you are unable to connect to the internet, follow these steps:

  1. Update to the latest version of the BIMTech Tools application.
  2. Wait for the page to load completely.
  3. Check your proxy server settings if you are using one.

You can open the proxy server settings by clicking the Settings icon on the right side of the BIMTech Tools toolbar, or it will automatically appear if the internet connection fails.

In the Network Proxy Settings window, choose the Proxy Type:

  • Use system proxy settings: BIMTech Tools will load the system configuration.
  • Auto-detect: BIMTech Tools will try to automatically detect the proxy server settings, either system or by configuration script.
  • No proxy: If you have direct access to the internet.
  • Custom settings: For manual configuration, enter the proxy server address for HTTP(s)/SOCKS connection. In the Proxy server field, enter the URL or IP address of the proxy server, and in the Port field, enter the proxy server port number.

Please update BIMTech Tools to the latest version, check the internet connection, proxy server settings if used. New version is available here

If the selected surface textures are not displaying in Allplan, try refreshing the display manually. Follow these steps:

  1. Select Change in the main menu.
  2. Go to Architecture.
  3. Select Update 3D Display.
  4. Choose All.

This should refresh and correctly display the selected surface textures.

Please update to the latest version

Install the plugin as if for Archicad 24. Archicad SE versions correspond to Archicad versions three levels higher, so SE 21 is equivalent to Archicad 24. Ensure you manually enter the correct installation path.

BIMTech Tools are not compatible with AutoCAD LT. To use BIMTech Tools, you will need the full version of AutoCAD or one of its specialized versions. For a comparison of AutoCAD versions and their features, visit this page.

BIMTech Tools are not compatible with AutoCAD LT. To use BIMTech Tools, you will need the full version of AutoCAD or one of its specialized versions. For a comparison of AutoCAD versions and their features, visit this page.

Update to the latest version, which loads current data. In the Czech Republic, for exaple, this data is updated by source servers once a month. If boundaries still do not match, select a different drawing source in the layers and reinsert the map excerpt.

Since we do not distribute BIMTech Tools through the Apple Store, you need to allow the option to open the installer from an "unidentified developer" during installation. To enable this option, follow these steps:

  1. Go to System Preferences .
  2. Select Security & Privacy .
  3. On the General tab, allow apps downloaded from the internet from unidentified developers.

More information can be found here .

From macOS Catalina onwards, the rules for opening files have been tightened. More information can be found here .

To install BIMTech tools, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the ZWCAD Professional version, as the Standard version does not support this feature. For more information on the differences between ZWCAD versions, visit here .
  2. Close ZWCAD if it is running.
  3. Install BIMTech tools normally (it will install to c:\ProgramData\ZWCAD\bimtech_tools).
  4. No need to restart your computer after installation.
  5. After launching ZWCAD, the BIMTech tools toolbar should appear. If not, you can manually start it using the command BTADASTRE .

If BIMTech tools are not working, check the following:

  1. Make sure you have installed the ZWCAD Professional version, as the Standard version does not support the .NET add-ons necessary for BIMTech.
  2. Check if the BIMTech tools are installed in the correct folder (c:\ProgramData\ZWCAD\bimtech_tools\Appx64\).
  3. Try launching the cadastre using the command BTCADASTRE .
  4. For more information on the differences between ZWCAD versions, visit here .

We recommend downloading and installing the latest version of BIMTech Tools. If the problem persists, try clearing the cache by deleting the contents of the folder c:\ProgramData\BIMTech\ArchiCAD\[User]. If needed, contact technical support.

If you want to change your login email address, please send us a request from your original email address to

Problem: In Revit 2021 and older versions, the terrain texture appears mirrored from below and is rotated.

Solution: Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done directly in Revit to fix this issue. The only option is to adjust the texture in an external editor. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the texture in an external editor: Use a graphic editor such as Photoshop, GIMP, or another editor of your choice.
  2. Rotate the texture: Rotate the texture by 270 degrees.
  3. Vertically flip the texture: Use the vertical flip tool.
  4. Save the adjusted texture: Save the changes and use the adjusted texture in Revit.

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